
The Project

We are seeking to produce the feature film, currently titled ANGEL FIRE based on the extraordinary circumstances faced by Cherie Lanning as she confronted brain cancer.

While gathering our team for the film, we are also building our network for the cause.

We see tremendous opportunities for the film based on its budget, genre and international appeal for distribution to new media, both streaming and digital Pay-Per-View, as well as traditional media outlets, primarily theaters, cable, broadcast television and home entertainment outlets. But even more to the point, it presents a powerful story set against a premise that everyone will be moved by.

The script is complete and ready to be packaged. We are working with producer Spencer Proffer and are planning to leverage his first look deal with Fathom Events for special screening events.

The internet and the advances of social networking technologies have created vast multi-platform opportunities not only for distribution of the film but to finally draw attention to a system that is failing life again and again. Usage of new media will be a major force in the marketing strategy of the film and the efforts of sustainable change in the way we treat this horrible disease.

Genre Films Maintain Box Office Appeal

Inspirational films are an appealing market for Hollywood, which is looking for ways to expand the cinema audience as digital competition causes long-term declines in theatrical attendance. Filmmakers are adapting by expanding into more subgenres, including romances, sports dramas, comedies and documentaries all to great success. ANGEL FIRE merges themes of faith and survival while tapping into timely themes of government oversight.