Good Prognosis for Brain Cancer

This news illustrates perfectly how Israeli’s medical community is aggressively going after this disease, and why we partnered with a team from Israel to oversee Cherie’s care in Thailand.

Israelis discover promising treatment for aggressive brain tumors

Hebrew University researchers share results of a new glioblastoma treatment with the potential to improve and extend patients’ lives.

By ISRAEL21c Staff


Our research presents a novel approach for glioblastoma treatment. In the future, we’ll be able to tailor treatments for patients based on the amount of cancer-inhibiting proteins that their tumors produce,” said Prof. Rotem Karni of Hebrew University.

See full article here: Israel21c


Maxim Mogilevsky, Odelia Shimshon, Saran Kumar, Adi Mogilevsky, Eli Keshet, Eylon Yavin, Florian Heyd, Rotem Karni, Modulation of MKNK2 alternative splicing by splice-switching oligonucleotides as a novel approach for glioblastoma treatment, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 46, Issue 21, 30 November 2018, Pages 11396–11404,