A small step in FDA approvals

A biopharmaceutical company in Alabama has just gained FDA approval to begin a new clinical trial for a type of immunotherapy to go after patients who are newly-diagnosed with GBM. While it sounds like progress and good news, it hardly means the end of our struggle.

Incysus has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for a study of a new immunotherapy with UAB. It’s a clinical study for patients with newly-diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme, sometimes referred to as GBM or glioblastoma.

To be clear, this treatment combines chemotherapy with the gamma-delta T cells, which are genetically-engineered to resist chemotherapy-induced cell death. So it is still relying on the gold standard of chemotherapy drugs. Something not all patients can tolerate.

We will be following this clinical trial closely.

Read the full article here.

Laurie Ashbourne